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Or insemination

“There’s a mole. Right at the top of the circus. He’s been there for years.”

(25-08-2021, 08:08 PM)Tigermatty 2.0 Wrote:  Or insemination

That means you can't sleep at night ,I know that ???

Grey Beard. That isn't me in the photo, the reason being is that I'm too bloody handsome to show my face on here. I do sit in the City stand but there no way I can join the ugly buggers club

(28-08-2021, 10:17 AM)Lee Wrote:  Grey Beard. That isn't me in the photo, the reason being is that I'm too bloody handsome to show my face on here. I do sit in the City stand but there no way I can join the ugly buggers club

I know that Lee but if ugly bugger's think that smooth face young happy bugger's sit in the city stand ,they might not want to joined our ( club with in a club , club? )
Please don't spread it around that your a dark haired hunk ,it's not good for me  or bar takings 
to get more members of course ,to join our exclusive social club of ( a club with in a club , club )
City stand ugly  and old buggers social club ( a club with in a club , club )
Self appointed chairman .Grey Bear

Don't forget ,give it another 30 years and I'm sure you could be a prime ugly old bugger? 99% of us become eligible with time ? I in fact told Shandy Love Machine only the other day that he was like your self and would not fulfil our  criteria to join  (our club with in a club , club ) at this time .
Please do not feel disappointed by my discission ,becoming a  ugly miserable old grumpy bugger comes to most of us in time , and when it finally happens ,you have our exclusive social club ( a club with in a club , club ) to look forward to ?
What a treat waiting for you .
Yours chairman ( of the above club with in a club , club  )

(21-06-2021, 10:06 AM)Lee Wrote:  We have been bombarded with a robot trying to register, so I have just had to reject around 800 registrations. Therefore I have temporarily disabled new registrations.

If you are reading this and would like to sign up, email and I will do it manually for you.
Pages & pages of bots creating profiles again

Yep, not really sure what the answer is

(05-09-2021, 01:56 PM)Lee Wrote:  Yep, not really sure what the answer is
Is there an option for a test question or one of them ‘spot the traffic light’ things?

I do wonder if this is part of the reason for the decline in discussion forums.

Tiger Roar is always your friend

Comprehensive City press cutting archive

Not the main reason. Read the drivel posted by the nation's keyboard boffins, naysayers, or just plain arseholes and you'll soon see why people aren't bothered any more.

Words used to be a thing of beauty, but now they are just used as a vehicle for moronic abuse by the masses.

We have lost control and will reap the consequences

Bloody hell, you've got good eyesight!

Notice to members of 
The city stand and ugly and grumpy old buggers social club ( a club with in a club club's club.) 
It is with deep regret that I have to step down from my position of the  self appointed chairman of  our be loved
( Club with in a club clubs club )?As your self  appointed chairman of our ( club with in a, oh can't be assed ) I can  assure  you I have not had a face lift or  lost 10 stone in weight or got new teeth done ?I'm still the same old grumpy  ugly bugger as ever but won't be able to be your beloved and exalted chairman due to family ill ness and needed at home for the foreseeable future ,I will of course be keeping my season ticket just in case I may get help at home to look after my one and only if I need to have a break.
So to all of our members ,it's you club so if you want to be the next chairman of our ( club with in our club clubs club)self appointed you must at all times be a  ugly grumpy old miserable bugger , have a   good old moan  if you can't appoint you're self ?Who  ever wins don't forget  that tradition must carry on and as chairman he make's the rule's
 May you all have a miserable moan and a really grumpy election on your own and may the new self appointed chairman be a Even more miserable and a  grumpy older bugger then the last one?
Ex chairman of the club with  in a club,club? )

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