27-02-2024, 10:42 PM
Late to the this thread but it would be remiss of me not to pay tribute to Taff.
He was a fantastic support to me during my time as trust chair and when I passed the baton on there was no debate who should take over and led the trust through the tumultuous move to Evesham making a success of the shipping container club shop which I'm sure was APs inspiration to build an entire stadium out of them.
A particular memory from when I was a teenager on the t-end was the confusion among Merthyr fans when he would refer to them with a Welsh based insult in a thick valleys accent.
Was a pleasure to see him earlier this season along with Sally but he was obviously suffering with his health at the time. He is now at least free of any pain he was suffering.
Hopefully I can make the funeral when details are announced
He was a fantastic support to me during my time as trust chair and when I passed the baton on there was no debate who should take over and led the trust through the tumultuous move to Evesham making a success of the shipping container club shop which I'm sure was APs inspiration to build an entire stadium out of them.
A particular memory from when I was a teenager on the t-end was the confusion among Merthyr fans when he would refer to them with a Welsh based insult in a thick valleys accent.
Was a pleasure to see him earlier this season along with Sally but he was obviously suffering with his health at the time. He is now at least free of any pain he was suffering.
Hopefully I can make the funeral when details are announced